Call for participation: Regulatory review to support economic growth and innovation
The 2018 Budget announced that the government would pursue a regulatory reform agenda focused on supporting innovation and business investment. This included funding over three years for the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to coordinate targeted reviews of regulatory requirements and practices that are bottlenecks to economic growth and innovation.
The current round of targeted regulatory reviews includes clean technology and digitalization and tech neutrality. Both of these are areas where aftermarket industry stakeholders may want to participate by providing information.
The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) is inviting input from all interested stakeholders on regulatory modernization initiatives in the following areas:
- Targeted Regulatory Reviews (Round 2), this area looks at the areas of clean technology and digitalization;
- Review of the Red Tape Reduction Act;
- Exploring options to legislate changes to regulator mandates; and
- Suggestions for the next annual Regulatory Modernization Bill.
You can review the request for stakeholder comments here:
- EN: Section, TREASURY BOARD SECRETARIAT, Regulatory modernization — Request for stakeholder comments
- FR: Section, SECRÉTARIAT DU CONSEIL DU TRÉSOR, Modernisation de la réglementation — Demande de commentaires des intervenants
The Government of Canada is inviting all Canadians and stakeholder groups to comment on the regulatory modernization initiatives by September 5, 2019.
Any submission of comments must indicate the initiative the comments pertain to, for example, Targeted Regulatory Reviews (Round 2).
Submissions can be sent to
Contact Erin Chreptyk, Policy and Government Affairs Analyst, at 613 (809)-4671 or if you have any questions related to the consultation.