Leveling the playing field for Canadian ASPs: NASTF & AIA Canada’s webinar on securing better access to OE repair information

August 21, 2020

Donny Seyfer, NASTF Executive Officer, joined AIA Canada’s Jean-François Champagne and Shamsia Quraishi for an informative webinar. They spoke about the challenges facing the aftermarket industry surrounding access to repair information and offered insight and strategies on how to level the playing field for everyone in the aftermarket industry.

You can download a copy of the presentations here.

Watch the video here.


Park N Fly Benefits

How the program works

  • Members select their departure city from the drop-down menu
    1. Choose Valet or Self-Park where applicable
    2. Enter their outbound and return dates
    3. Click find your rate
    4. The rates will automatically load
    5. Print a copy of the coupon
  • When exiting the lot
    1. Scan the printed Park’N Fly coupon at the Self-Park pay station
  • If members are using a Valet location
    • Hand a copy of the printed voucher to the agent at check-out or give them the discount code 1120313 once the code is entered by the agent the rate will automatically append to the AIA Canada rate program.
  • Discount Code 1120313
  • At check out members simply scan their pre-printed coupon the Valet or Self-Park pay station
  • When exiting the lot
    • Select form of payment
      1. Credit card
      2. Debit card
    • If they have any difficulties simply
      1. Manually enter 1120313 at the pay station and the rate will be applied
    • Scan the Park’N Fly ticket