Spotlight on Steve Bujold: You can feel the passion!
Growing up surrounded by the automotive and sales industry, Steve quickly found his way and has worked in this field for almost 30 years. His passion for the automotive industry is what drives his dedication in its innovation and to encourage everyone to join it while it’s in full bloom.
Steve Bujold

Eastern Canada Sales Manager at Vast-Auto Distribution
How long have you been in the auto care industry?
I always knew I wanted to work in sales. This field has always been present in the family with my father and my two brothers who also work in it. At the young age of 12, I would spend days driving around with my father touring the shops when he was working at Unitool. I had always been interested and knowledgeable of the auto industry. My father’s first inheritance was half of his territory, so I could enter the industry. I was lucky because when I started working there, I already knew everyone.
How long have you been working in the automotive industry? How many of these years have been in the auto-care sector?
I will be celebrating my 30th anniversary in the auto care industry next year. I started at the age of 22 as a manufacturing representative for Unitool and Dayco respectively. It was only four years later that I transferred to the room distribution sector, where I still am to this day. I spent 16 years in the Uni-Sélect environment where I was director of business development in Quebec City and then director of sales at Beauce Auto Accessoires. I was then in charge of training and business solutions for Canada and part of the United States. I tried to leave the industry for a few years to be a sales manager at Simplex Tool Rental, but the passion made it so that I quickly returned to the automotive industry because “it didn’t smell enough of gas”. I returned to Vast-Auto Distribution 9 years ago where I am still employed as sales manager, major accounts and installer programs.
What school did you attend? What is your level of education?
I really learned on the job, as they say! I have a college diploma in administration as well as a diploma of professional studies in sales accompanied by a certificate of professional specialization in commercial representation.
What advice would you give someone new to the industry or looking to make the transition into the industry?
The best advice I would give is not to set limits so that you can explore everything this industry has to offer. The career opportunities are huge right now. To maximize opportunities, it is important to be well surrounded, keep your eyes open and maintain a good network of contacts. It is a tight-knit industry where people can put partisanship aside for the common good. Despite the pitfalls and difficulties that can come with starting a career, do not drop this industry too quickly if you’re an auto enthusiast, you won’t regret it.
What does the Automotive Industries Association of Canada mean to you and what would you like to see the association achieve in the future?
The Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA Canada) is the collective voice that allows us to unite and come together to address the challenges the auto care industry is facing. This ability to come together and sit at the same table to move issues forward is something that is very unique to our industry. I’m very pleased, because over the last few years we’ve been taking care to integrate more and more auto care shops into the operations of AIA Canada. With the growth of electric vehicles in the market, other issues are being added to the list and we need to make sure we have technicians and shop owners informed. I hope they will continue and be integrated even more.
Could you tell us a bit more about your involvement with the Automotive Industries Association of Canada?
I’ve been involved for 20 years now in the AIA days, organized by the Quebec branch of AIA Canada, that are held at vocational training centers—at the time it was the internship fair. Once a year we will explain the role of AIA Canada and introduce the auto care industry to the next generation. We are sending the same message year after year, but now the need for this day is even more acute with the labour shortage.
I also sit on the executive committee of the AIA High Fives For Kids Foundation. Established in 2005, the Foundation raises and redistributes funds to support AIA Canada members in supporting Canadian charities that benefit children and youth. We reach communities referred locally by members of AIA Canada and offer help where it’s needed—often smaller charities that don’t have the resources of large foundations. Several tens of thousands of dollars have been awarded this year to children and youth across Canada, in addition to the student grants awarded to each of AIA Canada’s divisions across the country so that they can in turn support the next generation of the industry.
Have you had an industry mentor? If so, who and why?
I am fortunate to have had several mentors along the way. Pierre Desmarchais showed me everything I needed to know to get a clear understanding of what a workshop was. He taught me the importance of knowing how to be and the value of taking care of his platform in order to positively influence as a speaker. Richard Roy showed me the importance of rigor. He is known as an extremely demanding man who inspires people through his commitment to the quality of his work performance. There is also my current boss, Daniel Malandruccolo, who, through his exceptional leadership, teamwork, transparency and integrity, has placed himself on the list of mentors in my career. I learned a lot from each of these people.
What inspires you most about your work or the industry?
It’s important for me to pay it forward. I like to help entrepreneurs develop and grow. I am motivated to use my knowledge to help and accompany owners to operate parts stores or mechanical workshops for example.
What is the biggest change or evolution you have noticed since joining the industry?
The industry has worked hard in recent years to ensure that shop owners are properly trained on an ongoing basis, both at the technical and management levels. These collective efforts are beginning to show results. In addition, the arrival of electric vehicles brings back the importance of continuing training in industry. It’s a nice evolution to make sure that our industry provides ongoing training to people on the ground, which inevitably impacts on the customer experience.
About the campaign I am AIA
I am AIA aims to raise the profile of auto care industry professionals in Canada with the goal of humanizing our industry and showcasing members of AIA Canada. If you are interested in participating in sharing your story through this campaign, we encourage you to apply.